
17,000 Members

meeting in General and Special membership meetings, are the highest decision-making body of Toronto Education Workers/Local 4400. Members set policy and elect union officers. Members participate through union workplace activities, job classification meetings, Unit meetings, General and Special meetings, union campaigns and union committees.


President, Recording & Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer

Equity Vice-President

4 Unit Vice-Presidents
(UNIT B-1; UNIT C-2; UNIT D-1)

14 Steward Co-Ordinators
(UNIT B-4; UNIT C-6; UNIT D-4)

Meet Our Executives

John Weatherup

John Weatherup


Colleen Costa

Recording and Corresponding Secretary

Unit B

Terri Preston

Terri Preston

Email: terri.preston@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 241
Cell: 416-885-5585
Area: Maurice Cody

Phyllis Boosalis

Phyllis Boosalis

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: phyllis.boosalis@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 288
Cell: 647-822-0957
Area: North

Miguel Lima

Miguel Lima

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: miguel.lima@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 286
Cell: 647-269-2950
Area: East and NYAD

Lisa Skeete

Lisa Skeete

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: lisa.skeete@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 245
Cell: 647-403-8243
Area: South and Sprouts

Hellen Yousufzai

Hellen Yousufzai

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: hellen.yousufzai@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 236
Cell: 416-873-8562
Area: West and JIAS

Unit C

Anna Hutchison

Anna Hutchison

Email: anna.hutchison@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 240
Cell: 416-885-4192

Ondina Veiga

Ondina Veiga

Email: ondina.veiga@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 234
Cell: 647-501-0397

Mara Boedo

Mara Boedo

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: mara.boedo@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 248
Cell: 647-822-1539
Area: NW1, NW2, NW5, NW6

Ian Byrd

Ian Byrd

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: ian.byrd@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 228
Cell: 416-457-3705
Area: NE3, NE4, NE5, NE6

Marie Coulter

Marie Coulter

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: marie.coulter@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 248
Cell: 416-660-6004
Area: SW4, SW5, SE2, SE5

Bonnie Dineen

Bonnie Dineen

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: bonnie.dineen@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 292
Cell: 647-408-4618
Area: SW1, SW2, SW3, SW6

Cherill Hiebert

Cherill Hiebert

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: cherill.hiebert@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 296
Cell: 416-885-4687
Area: NW3, NW4, NE1, NE2

Laura Maxwell

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: laura.maxwell@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 243
Cell: 647-500-3214
Area: SE1, SE3, SE4, SE6

Unit D

Glen Amiro

Glen Amiro

Email: glen.amiro@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 237
Cell: 647-216-1950

Tiffany Ramsay

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: tiffany.ramsay@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 256
Cell: 647-501-4417
Area: LC3

John Douglas

John Douglas

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: john.douglas@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 257
Cell: 647-501-3159
Area: LC4

Duane Kennedy

Duane Kennedy

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: duane.kennedy@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 258
Cell: 647-501-4198
Area: LC2

John McDougall

John McDougall

Steward Co-Ordinator
Email: john.mcdougall@cupe4400.org
Phone: 416-393-0440 x 259
Cell: 647-216-1583
Area: LC1

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