[vc_row][vc_column][mk_image src=”https://www.cupe4400.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ontario-coalition-for-better-child-care-1.jpg” image_size=”full”][vc_column_text]This Tuesday November 20th, National Child Day, the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care will be on Parliament Hill joining over 100 child care advocates from across Canada to tell MPs and Senators that we need federal action to solve Canada’s child care crisis.

Together with our national partner organization, Child Care Now, we have been working to organize one of the biggest child care advocacy efforts on Parliament in years. And we need your help to make it come alive!

Child care advocates will be meeting with Members of Parliament and Senators from all parties and asking them to become child care champions by committing to play a positive role in building a publicly-funded and managed system of child care for Canada. This includes supporting more and better-directed federal spending on child care over the next decade. Currently, Canada spends about 0.3% of GDP on child care, far short of the widely-accepted international benchmark of 1%.[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”https://www.cupe4400.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/child.jpg” image_size=”large”][vc_column_text]We want to leave Parliamentarians thinking hard about the situation for families and educators in their local ridings and communities. And we need your help! On November 20th, you can join us from wherever you are in Canada and show your support for child care. There are three important actions you can take:

1) Tweet with us!

We’re using the hashtag #childcarechampion to tell MPs that affordable, quality child care is a priority. On November 20th, tweet with us using this hashtag to show why you support increased funding for child care. Here are some ideas:

  • We need a #childcarechampion because where someone lives shouldn’t determine whether they will be able to afford child care. Visit childcareforall.ca to find out more.
  • We need a #childcarechampion because access to affordable child care is a massive hurdle to gender equality in the workforce. Visit childcareforall.ca to find out more.
  • We need a #childcarechampion because ECEs need decent wages and working conditions. Visit childcareforall.ca to find out more.
  • For too many families, child care is unaffordable or unavailable. We need child care champions who will fix the child care crisis in every province and territory.#childcarechampion

Want to make sure you’re heard? Tweet directly at your Member of Parliament! Click here to find your MP’s Twitter handle, then use a tweet like this one:

  • All children should have access to affordable high-quality child care. Will you be the#childcarechampion to help make it happen? @[insertMP]

2) Send a letter to your MP

Tell your MP we need child care champions on Parliament Hill! Click here to send a message to your MP.

3) Sign the petition and share!

Visit childcareforall.ca to sign Child Care Now’s petition, asking for:

  • The federal government to implement a high-quality, universal non-profit child care system that families across Canada can afford; and 
  • All levels of government to make major investments in child care—starting in 2019 and increasing each year until Canada meets the accepted international child care spending benchmark of 1 percent of GDP.

This petition will be delivered directly to the Office of the Prime Minister leading up to the 2019 federal election. Click here to sign. Be sure to share the petition with colleagues, family and friends along with one of our shareable images or Can’t Take Our Kids to Work ads.

Thanks in advance for your solidarity and support!

Carolyn Ferns, Public Policy Coordinator

Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care

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