Greetings Elementary Office Administrators, Secondary School Office Administrators, Alternative School
Office Administrators, Elementary Secretaries, Secondary School Office Assistants and Senior Office
The email below was circulated to Principals by Peter Singh and Craig Snider in late August 2022 and
confirms overtime instruction with regards to PowerSchool including approved overtime for staff who
may have worked PowerSchool start-up over the summer.
Please ensure you are informing your Principal of all the overtime hours you have worked in order to
manage this transition and extra workload.
Please contact your Steward Co-Ordinator if overtime is denied.
Please submit any concerns to: POWERSCHOOL CONCERNS
In Solidarity,
Ondina Veiga and Anna Hutchison
Unit C Vice-Presidents
John Weatherup
(pronouns: he, him)
Toronto Education Workers/Local 4400
1482 Bathurst Street, Suite 200
Toronto ON M5P 3H1